Bring your designs to life by creating a 3D printer using only HTML and CSS! In this blog, we’ll design a visually stunning 3D printer model complete with intricate details like a paper tray, rollers, and a realistic body—all achieved through the power of CSS 3D transforms, gradients, and shadows. Whether you’re replicating a modern gadget for fun or showcasing your CSS expertise, this project will demonstrate how to build depth and detail in your web designs. Ready to print your creativity onto the screen? Let’s start coding!
I would recommend you don’t just copy and paste the code, just look at the code and type by understanding it.
See the Pen 3D CSS Printer – Press to print! 😅 by Jhey (@jh3y) on CodePen.
Starter Template
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>Coding Torque</title> </head> <body> <!-- Further code here --> </body> </html>
Paste the below code in your <body>
mixin cuboid() .cuboid(class!=attributes.class) - let s = 0 while s < 6 .cuboid__side - s++ .scene .printer .printer__side.printer__side--left +cuboid()(class="cuboid--side") .printer__side.printer__side--right .cuboid.cuboid--side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .light.progress-light .light.standby-light button.print-button .button +cuboid()(class="cuboid--button") .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .printer__tray.printer__tray--bottom +cuboid()(class="cuboid--tray") .printer__tray.printer__tray--top +cuboid()(class="cuboid--tray") .printer__top .cuboid.cuboid--top .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .screen .screen__preview .screen__previews img(src="") img(src="") img(src="") img(src="") img(src="") .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .printer__back +cuboid()(class="cuboid--back") .printed .printed__spinner .printed__paper .printed__papiere .paper-preview .paper-preview__previews img(src="") img(src="") img(src="") img(src="") img(src="") .printed__paper-back .paper-stack.paper-stack--bottom +cuboid()(class="cuboid--paper") .paper-stack.paper-stack--top .cuboid.cuboid--paper .cuboid__side .paper .paper__flyer .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side .cuboid__side
CSS Code
Create a file style.css and paste the code below.
.cuboid width 100% height 100% position relative // 1 is the top and go t, r, b, l, f, b &__side:nth-of-type(1) height calc(var(--thickness) * 1vmin) width 100% position absolute top 0 transform translate(0, -50%) rotateX(90deg) &__side:nth-of-type(2) height 100% width calc(var(--thickness) * 1vmin) position absolute top 50% right 0 transform translate(50%, -50%) rotateY(90deg) &__side:nth-of-type(3) width 100% height calc(var(--thickness) * 1vmin) position absolute bottom 0 transform translate(0%, 50%) rotateX(90deg) &__side:nth-of-type(4) height 100% width calc(var(--thickness) * 1vmin) position absolute left 0 top 50% transform translate(-50%, -50%) rotateY(90deg) &__side:nth-of-type(5) height 100% width 100% transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--thickness) * 0.5vmin)) position absolute top 0 left 0 &__side:nth-of-type(6) height 100% width 100% transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--thickness) * -0.5vmin)) rotateY(180deg) position absolute top 0 left 0 * *:after *:before box-sizing border-box transform-style preserve-3d touch-action none :root --base-size 10 --depth calc(var(--base-size) * 2.25) --height calc(var(--base-size) * 1vmin) --width calc(var(--base-size) * 1.4vmin) --base-hue 200 --accent-hue 35 --bg 'hsl(%s 20% 58%)' % 190 --shoot-speed 1.5 --load-speed 2 --print-speed 1 // Colors --p-1 'hsl(%s, 50%, 94%)' % var(--base-hue) --p-2 'hsl(%s, 50%, 90%)' % var(--base-hue) --p-3 'hsl(%s, 50%, 84%)' % var(--base-hue) --p-4 'hsl(%s, 50%, 80%)' % var(--base-hue) --p-5 'hsl(%s, 50%, 76%)' % var(--base-hue) --p-6 'hsl(%s, 50%, 72%)' % var(--base-hue) --p-7 'hsl(%s, 50%, 68%)' % var(--base-hue) --p-8 'hsl(%s, 50%, 20%)' % var(--base-hue) --t-1 hsl(0, 0%, 40%) --t-2 hsl(0, 0%, 36%) --t-3 hsl(0, 0%, 32%) --t-4 hsl(0, 0%, 28%) --t-5 hsl(0, 0%, 24%) --g-1 'hsl(%s, 40%, 94%)' % var(--base-hue) --g-2 'hsl(%s, 40%, 90%)' % var(--base-hue) --g-3 'hsl(%s, 40%, 86%)' % var(--base-hue) --g-4 'hsl(%s, 40%, 80%)' % var(--base-hue) --g-5 'hsl(%s, 40%, 96%)' % var(--base-hue) --a-1 'hsl(%s, 70%, 65%)' % var(--accent-hue) --a-2 'hsl(%s, 70%, 60%)' % var(--accent-hue) --a-3 'hsl(%s, 70%, 55%)' % var(--accent-hue) --a-4 'hsl(%s, 70%, 50%)' % var(--accent-hue) --a-5 'hsl(%s, 70%, 45%)' % var(--accent-hue) body min-height 100vh display grid place-items center background var(--bg) overflow hidden touch-action none .light height calc(var(--height) * 0.1) width calc(var(--height) * 0.1) position absolute left 50% top 20% border-radius 0% border calc(var(--height) * 0.01) solid var(--p-8) .standby-light background hsla(210, 80%, 80%, 1) transform translate(-50%, 0) translate(100%, 0) .progress-light transform translate(-50%, 0) translate(-100%, 0) background 'hsla(%s, 80%, 70%)' % var(--progress-hue, 103) .scene position fixed top 50% left 50% height var(--height) width var(--width) // background hsla(10 80% 70% 0.25) transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 100vmin) transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 100vmin) rotateX(-24deg) rotateY(44deg) rotateX(calc(var(--rotate-x, 0) * 1deg)) rotateY(calc(var(--rotate-y, 0) * 1deg)) .printing --progress-hue 14 .printer height 100% width 100% & > * position absolute &__top height 40% width 100% &__back height 60% width 50% bottom 0 right 0 &__side height 60% width 100% bottom 0 &--right transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * 0.375vmin)) &--left transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * -0.375vmin)) &__tray height 10% width 100% &--bottom bottom 0 right 50% &--top top 0 right 0 transform translate(52%, 0) rotate(-75deg) .paper-stack width 90% bottom 0 left -10% transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * 1vmin)) &--bottom height 10% &--top height 5% bottom 10% transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * 1vmin)) rotateY(22deg) .printed right 55% width calc(var(--width) * 0.9) height calc(var(--depth) * 0.4vmin) bottom 10% transform translate3d(0, -1px, 0) &__spinner width calc(var(--width) * 0.9) height calc(var(--depth) * 0.4vmin) transform-origin 50% 0 &__paper width calc(var(--width) * 0.9) height calc(var(--depth) * 0.4vmin) bottom 0 transform translate(0, 50%) rotateX(90deg) clip-path inset(0 -20% 0 0) backface-visibility hidden &__paper-back width calc(var(--width) * 0.9) height calc(var(--depth) * 0.4vmin) bottom 0 position absolute top 0 left 0 transform translate(0, 50%) rotateX(90deg) rotateY(180deg) backface-visibility hidden background var(--g-2) &__papiere background var(--g-1) position absolute height 100% width 100% transform translate(120%, 0) .paper-preview height calc(var(--height) * 0.5) width calc(var(--height) * 0.5) position absolute top 50% left 50% transform translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(90deg) overflow hidden &__previews height 100% width 100% opacity 0 display flex flex-direction column animation choose 0.1s infinite steps(5) img height 100% width 100% object-fit cover .paper-stack--top .cuboid--paper > div &:nth-of-type(1) background var(--g-1) &:nth-of-type(2) background var(--g-1) &:nth-of-type(3) background var(--g-4) &:nth-of-type(4) background var(--g-2) &:nth-of-type(5) background var(--g-3) &:nth-of-type(6) background var(--g-3) .paper-stack--top .cuboid--paper .paper height 100% width 100% background transparent &__flyer position absolute height 100% width 100% top 0 left 0 background transparent overflow hidden &:after content '' position absolute height 100% width 100% background var(--g-1) .printing .paper-stack--top .cuboid--paper .paper animation transfer calc(var(--load-speed) * 0.5s) ease-in-out forwards .printing .paper-stack--top .cuboid--paper .paper__flyer animation fly calc(var(--load-speed) * 0.5s) ease-in-out forwards .printing .paper-stack--top .cuboid--paper .paper__flyer:after animation feed calc(var(--load-speed) * 0.5s) calc(var(--load-speed) * 0.5s) forwards .printing .printed animation shoot calc(var(--shoot-speed) * 1s) calc(((var(--load-speed) * 0.75) + var(--print-speed)) * 1s) ease-out .printing .printed__spinner animation eject calc(var(--shoot-speed) * 1s) calc(((var(--load-speed) * 0.75) + var(--print-speed)) * 1s) ease-out .printing .printed__papiere animation print calc(var(--print-speed) * 1s) calc(var(--load-speed) * 0.75s) both steps(5, start), fade calc(var(--shoot-speed) * 1s) calc(((var(--load-speed) * 0.75) + var(--print-speed)) * 1s) both .cuboid--paper --thickness calc(var(--depth) * 0.4) div &:nth-of-type(1) background var(--g-2) &:nth-of-type(2) background var(--g-2) &:nth-of-type(3) background var(--g-5) &:nth-of-type(4) background var(--g-3) &:nth-of-type(5) background var(--g-4) &:nth-of-type(6) background var(--g-4) .print-button position absolute top 60% left 50% transform translate(-50%, -50%) height 44px width 44px appearance none border 0 background 0 padding 0 margin 0 outline transparent cursor pointer .button height calc(var(--height) * 0.14) width calc(var(--height) * 0.14) position absolute top 50% left 50% transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) .print-button:active .button transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, calc(var(--height) * 0.05)) .cuboid--button --thickness calc(var(--base-size) * 0.12) div &:nth-of-type(1) background var(--a-1) &:nth-of-type(2) background var(--a-1) &:nth-of-type(3) background var(--a-4) &:nth-of-type(4) background var(--a-5) &:nth-of-type(5) background var(--a-3) &:nth-of-type(6) background var(--a-3) .printing .screen__previews .printing .paper-preview__previews animation-play-state paused opacity 1 .screen height calc(var(--height) * 0.25) width calc(var(--height) * 0.35) left 0 top 50% background hsl(200, 80%, 84%) position absolute transform translate3d(28%, -50%, -1px) outline calc(var(--height) * 0.01) solid var(--p-8) &__preview height 100% width calc(var(--height) * 0.25) position absolute left 50% top 50% transform translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.8) rotateY(180deg) translate3d(0, 0, 1px) overflow hidden .screen__previews height 100% width 100% opacity 0 display flex flex-direction column animation choose 0.1s infinite steps(5, end) img height 100% width 100% @keyframes choose to transform translate(0, -500%) .cuboid--top --thickness var(--depth) & > div &:nth-of-type(1) background linear-gradient(hsl(0, 0%, 0%), hsl(0, 0%, 0%)) 100% 50% / 14% 54% no-repeat, linear-gradient(var(--p-7), var(--p-7)) 40% 50% / 12% 32% no-repeat, linear-gradient(var(--p-7), var(--p-7)) 30% 50% / 2% 12% no-repeat, linear-gradient(var(--p-3), var(--p-3)) 0% 50% / 66% 50% no-repeat background-color var(--p-1) &:after content '' position absolute top 7% left 10% height calc(var(--depth) * 0.12vmin) width calc(var(--depth) * 0.12vmin) background url( background-size cover transform rotate(90deg) filter grayscale(0.5) &:nth-of-type(2) background var(--p-1) &:nth-of-type(3) background var(--p-8) &:nth-of-type(4) background linear-gradient(var(--p-4), var(--p-4)) 50% 0% / 50% 100% no-repeat background-color var(--p-2) &:after content '' position absolute top 25% left 50% height 15% width 10% border-radius 25% background var(--p-6) transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, -1px) &:nth-of-type(5) background var(--p-3) &:nth-of-type(6) background var(--p-3) .cuboid--back --thickness calc(var(--depth) * 0.5) div &:nth-of-type(1) background var(--p-1) &:nth-of-type(2) background var(--t-1) &:nth-of-type(3) background var(--p-2) &:nth-of-type(4) background var(--t-5) &:nth-of-type(5) background var(--p-3) &:nth-of-type(6) background var(--p-3) .printer__tray--top .cuboid--tray div:nth-of-type(1) background linear-gradient(var(--t-2), var(--t-2)) 90% 50% / 5% 50% no-repeat background-color var(--t-1) .cuboid--tray --thickness calc(var(--depth) * 0.5) div &:nth-of-type(1) background linear-gradient(var(--t-2), var(--t-2)) 10% 50% / 5% 50% no-repeat background-color var(--t-1) &:nth-of-type(2) background var(--t-1) &:nth-of-type(3) background var(--t-2) &:nth-of-type(4) background var(--t-2) &:nth-of-type(5) background var(--t-3) &:nth-of-type(6) background var(--t-3) .cuboid--side --thickness calc(var(--depth) * 0.25) & > div &:nth-of-type(1) background var(--p-1) &:nth-of-type(2) background var(--p-1) &:nth-of-type(3) background var(--p-2) &:nth-of-type(4) background var(--p-2) &:nth-of-type(5) background repeating-linear-gradient(var(--t-4) 0 25%, transparent 25% 50%) 90% 70% / 30% 20% no-repeat background-color var(--p-3) &:nth-of-type(6) background repeating-linear-gradient(var(--t-4) 0 25%, transparent 25% 50%) 90% 70% / 30% 25% no-repeat background-color var(--p-3) .printer__side--left > .cuboid > div:nth-of-type(5) .printer__side--right > .cuboid > div:nth-of-type(6) background var(--p-8) @keyframes fade 0%, 80% opacity 1 100% opacity 0 @keyframes shoot 0% transform translate3d(0%, -1px, 0) 100% transform translate3d(-300%, -1px, 0) @keyframes eject 15% transform rotate(0deg) 65%, 100% transform rotate(360deg) @keyframes transfer to transform translate(0, -270%) rotate(22deg) @keyframes feed to transform translate(100%, 0) @keyframes fly 0% transform translate3d(0, 0, 0) rotateY(0deg) translate(0, 0) 50% transform translate3d(140%, 0, calc(var(--height) * 1.2)) rotateY(-75deg) translate(180%, 0) 100% transform translate3d(140%, 0, var(--height)) rotateY(-75deg) translate(0%, 0) rotate(-180deg) @keyframes print to transform translate(0, 0)
Final Output

Written by: Piyush Patil
Code Credits:
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Hope you find this post helpful💖