Halloween Landing Page using HTML CSS and JavaScript

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Halloween is a time for thrills, chills, and creative fun. In the world of web design, it offers a perfect opportunity to create a themed landing page that captures the spooky spirit and engages visitors with eerie animations and interactive elements.

In this blog post, we’ll embark on a thrilling journey to build a Halloween-themed landing page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By leveraging the capabilities of these core web technologies, we’ll create a visually stunning and interactive page that will delight and intrigue your audience.

I would recommend you don’t just copy and paste the code, just look at the code and type by understanding it.


See the Pen Halloween Landing Page by DivDev (@krautgti) on CodePen.

HTML Code 

Starter Template

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <!-- CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

    <title>Halloween Landing Page using HTML, CSS and JavaScript - Coding Torque</title>

    <!-- Further code here -->

    <script src="script.js"></script>


Paste the below code in your <body> tag.

<!-- HEADER -->
<header class="header" id="header">
  <nav class="nav container">
    <a href="#" class="nav__logo"> Spooky </a>
    <div class="nav__menu" id="nav-menu">
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          <a href="#home" class="nav__link active-link">Graveyard</a>
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          <a href="#about" class="nav__link">Track Record</a>
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          <a href="#trick" class="nav__link">Services</a>
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              <div class="home__details-img">
                <h4 class="home__details-title">Captain Sem</h4>
                <span class="home__details-subtitle">Veteran Spooky Ghost</span>
            <div class="home__data">
              <h3 class="home__subtitle">#1 Top Scariest Ghost</h3>
              <h1 class="home__title">RESPAWN <br> THE SPOOKY <br> SKULL </h1>
              <p class="home__description">In search for cute little puppy, Captain Sem has come back from his tragic death. With his hogwarts certified power he promise to be a hero for all of <strong>ghostkind. </strong></p>
              <div class="home__buttons">
                <a href="#" class="book--now">
                  <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%281%29_3.svg" alt="" />
                <a href="#" class="button--link button--flex">Track Record <i class='bx bx-right-arrow-alt button__icon'></i>
        <!-- HOME SLIDER 2 -->
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              <div class="home__indicator"></div>
              <div class="home__details-img">
                <h4 class="home__details-title">Adino & Grahami</h4>
                <span class="home__details-subtitle">No words can describe them</span>
            <div class="home__data">
              <h3 class="home__subtitle">#2 top Best duo</h3>
              <h1 class="home__title">BRING BACK <br> MY COTTON <br> CANDY </h1>
              <p class="home__description">Adino steals cotton candy from his brother and eats them all in one bite, a hungry beast. Grahami can no longer contain his anger towards Adino. </p>
              <div class="home__buttons">
                <a href="#" class="book--now">
                  <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%281%29_3.svg" alt="" />
                <a href="#" class="button--link button--flex">Track Record <i class='bx bx-right-arrow-alt button__icon'></i>
        <!-- HOME SLIDER 3 -->
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              <div class="home__details-img">
                <h4 class="home__details-title">The Labu “Reiza”</h4>
                <span class="home__details-subtitle">The Living Pumpkin</span>
            <div class="home__data">
              <h3 class="pumpkin__subtitle">#3 Top Scariest Ghost 2020</h3>
              <h1 class="home__title">UOOOO <br> TRICK OR <br> TREAT!! </h1>
              <p class="home__description">Hi I’m Reiza, people call me “The Labu” currently I’m trying to learn something new, building my own bike with parts only made from Malaysia. </p>
              <div class="home__buttons">
                <a href="#" class="book--now">
                  <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%282%29_2.svg" alt="" />
                <a href="#" class="button--link button--flex">Track Record <i class='bx bx-right-arrow-alt button__icon'></i>
      <div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
  <!-- CATEGORY -->
  <section class="section category">
    <h2 class="section__title">Favorite Scare <br> Category </h2>
    <div class="category__container container grid">
      <div class="category__data">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/category1-img.png" alt="" class="category__img">
        <h3 class="category__title">Ghosts</h3>
        <p class="category__description">Choose the ghosts, the scariest there are.</p>
      <div class="category__data">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/category2-img.png" alt="" class="category__img">
        <h3 class="category__title">Pumpkins</h3>
        <p class="category__description">You look at the scariest pumpkins there is.</p>
      <div class="category__data">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/category3-img.png" alt="" class="category__img">
        <h3 class="category__title">Witch Hat</h3>
        <p class="category__description">Pick the most stylish witch hats out there.</p>
  <!-- ABOUT -->
  <section class="section about" id="about">
    <div class="about__container container grid">
      <div class="about__data">
        <h2 class="section__title about__title">About Halloween <br> Night </h2>
        <p class="about__description">Night of all the saints, or all the dead, is celebrated on October 31 and it is a very fun international celebration, this celebration comes from ancient origins, and is already celebrated by everyone. </p>
        <a href="#" class="book--now">
          <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%281%29_3.svg" alt="" />
      <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/about-img.png" alt="" class="about__img">
  <!-- TRICK OR TREAT -->
  <section class="section trick" id="trick">
    <h2 class="section__title">Trick Or Treat</h2>
    <div class="trick__container container grid">
      <div class="trick__content">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/trick-treat1-img.png" alt="" class="trick__img">
        <h3 class="trick__title">Toffee</h3>
        <span class="trick__subtitle">Candy</span>
        <span class="trick__price">$11.99</span>
        <button class="button trick__button">
          <i class='bx bx-cart-alt trick__icon'></i>
      <div class="trick__content">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/trick-treat2-img.png" alt="" class="trick__img">
        <h3 class="trick__title">Bone</h3>
        <span class="trick__subtitle">Accessory</span>
        <span class="trick__price">$8.99</span>
        <button class="button trick__button">
          <i class='bx bx-cart-alt trick__icon'></i>
      <div class="trick__content">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/trick-treat3-img.png" alt="" class="trick__img">
        <h3 class="trick__title">Scarecrow</h3>
        <span class="trick__subtitle">Accessory</span>
        <span class="trick__price">$15.99</span>
        <button class="button trick__button">
          <i class='bx bx-cart-alt trick__icon'></i>
      <div class="trick__content">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/trick-treat4-img.png" alt="" class="trick__img">
        <h3 class="trick__title">Candy Cane</h3>
        <span class="trick__subtitle">Candy</span>
        <span class="trick__price">$7.99</span>
        <button class="button trick__button">
          <i class='bx bx-cart-alt trick__icon'></i>
      <div class="trick__content">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/trick-treat5-img.png" alt="" class="trick__img">
        <h3 class="trick__title">Pumpkin</h3>
        <span class="trick__subtitle">Candy</span>
        <span class="trick__price">$19.99</span>
        <button class="button trick__button">
          <i class='bx bx-cart-alt trick__icon'></i>
      <div class="trick__content">
        <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/trick-treat6-img.png" alt="" class="trick__img">
        <h3 class="trick__title">Ghost</h3>
        <span class="trick__subtitle">Accessory</span>
        <span class="trick__price">$17.99</span>
        <button class="button trick__button">
          <i class='bx bx-cart-alt trick__icon'></i>
  <!-- DISCOUNT -->
  <section class="section discount">
    <div class="discount__container container grid">
      <div class="discount__data">
        <h2 class="discount__title">50% Discount <br> On New Products </h2>
        <a href="#" class="book--now">
          <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%281%29_3.svg" alt="" />
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  <!-- NEW ARRIVALS -->
  <section class="section new" id="new">
    <h2 class="section__title">New Arrivals</h2>
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      <div class="swiper new-swiper">
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            <div class="new__tag">
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            <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/new1-img.png" alt="" class="new__img">
            <h3 class="new__title">Haunted House</h3>
            <span class="new__subtitle">Accessory</span>
            <div class="new__prices">
              <span class="new__price">$14.99</span>
              <span class="new__discount">$29.99</span>
            <button class="button new__button">
              <i class='bx bx-cart-alt new__icon'></i>
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              <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%286%29_1.svg" alt="" />
            <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/new2-img.png" alt="" class="new__img">
            <h3 class="new__title">Halloween Candle</h3>
            <span class="new__subtitle">Accessory</span>
            <div class="new__prices">
              <span class="new__price">$11.99</span>
              <span class="new__discount">$21.99</span>
            <button class="button new__button">
              <i class='bx bx-cart-alt new__icon'></i>
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            <div class="new__tag">
              <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%286%29_1.svg" alt="" />
            <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/new3-img.png" alt="" class="new__img">
            <h3 class="new__title">Witch Hat</h3>
            <span class="new__subtitle">Accessory</span>
            <div class="new__prices">
              <span class="new__price">$4.99</span>
              <span class="new__discount">$9.99</span>
            <button class="button new__button">
              <i class='bx bx-cart-alt new__icon'></i>
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              <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%286%29_1.svg" alt="" />
            <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/new4-img.png" alt="" class="new__img">
            <h3 class="new__title">Rip</h3>
            <span class="new__subtitle">Accessory</span>
            <div class="new__prices">
              <span class="new__price">$24.99</span>
              <span class="new__discount">$44.99</span>
            <button class="button new__button">
              <i class='bx bx-cart-alt new__icon'></i>
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              <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/svgviewer-output+%286%29_1.svg" alt="" />
            <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/new5-img.png" alt="" class="new__img">
            <h3 class="new__title">Terrifying Crystal Ball</h3>
            <span class="new__subtitle">Accessory</span>
            <div class="new__prices">
              <span class="new__price">$5.99</span>
              <span class="new__discount">$12.99</span>
            <button class="button new__button">
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            <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/7773162/new6-img.png" alt="" class="new__img">
            <h3 class="new__title">Witch Broom</h3>
            <span class="new__subtitle">Accessory</span>
            <div class="new__prices">
              <span class="new__price">$7.99</span>
              <span class="new__discount">$14.99</span>
            <button class="button new__button">
              <i class='bx bx-cart-alt new__icon'></i>
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      <h2 class="section__title">Our Newsletter</h2>
      <p class="newsletter__description"> Promotion new products and sales. Directly to your inbox </p>
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CSS Code 

Create a file style.css and paste the code below.

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/* HOME */
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/* ABOUT */
.about__container {
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.about__description {
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.about__img {
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/* FOOTER */
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/* Show Scroll Up*/
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/* For small devices */
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JavaScript Code 

Create a file script.js and paste the code below.

const navMenu = document.getElementById("nav-menu"),
  navToggle = document.getElementById("nav-toggle"),
  navClose = document.getElementById("nav-close");

/* Validate if constant exists */
if (navToggle) {
  navToggle.addEventListener("click", () => {

/* Validate if constant exists */
if (navClose) {
  navClose.addEventListener("click", () => {

const navLink = document.querySelectorAll(".nav__link");

function linkAction() {
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  // When we click on each nav__link, we remove the show-menu class
navLink.forEach((n) => n.addEventListener("click", linkAction));

let homeSwiper = new Swiper(".home-swiper", {
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    clickable: true

/* change body's background color */

let root = document.documentElement;

homeSwiper.on("transitionEnd", function (e) {
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function scrollHeader() {
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window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHeader);

let newSwiper = new Swiper(".new-swiper", {
  centeredSlides: true,
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  spaceBetween: 16

const sections = document.querySelectorAll("section[id]");

function scrollActive() {
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window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollActive);

function scrollUp() {
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  if (this.scrollY >= 460) scrollUp.classList.add("show-scroll");
  else scrollUp.classList.remove("show-scroll");
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollUp);

const sr = ScrollReveal({
  origin: "top",
  distance: "60px",
  duration: 2500,
  delay: 400
  // reset: true

sr.reveal(`.home-swiper, .new-swiper, .newsletter__container`);
sr.reveal(`.category__data, .trick__content, .footer__content`, {
  interval: 100
sr.reveal(`.about__data, .discount__img`, { origin: "left" });
sr.reveal(`.about__img, .discount__data`, { origin: "right" });

Final Output

Written by: Piyush Patil

Code Credits: https://codepen.io/krautgti/pen/KKRRGdN

If you found any mistakes or have any doubts please feel free to Contact Us

Hope you find this post helpfulđź’–

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