HTML Quiz | Set – 1

Created on By
Piyush Patil

HTML Quiz | Set-1

1 / 14

HTML stands for -

2 / 14

HTML is a set of markup ___.

3 / 14

HTML program can be read and rendered by ___.

4 / 14

What is extension of HTML File?

5 / 14

HTML tags are used to describe document ___.

6 / 14

Which is used to create Web Pages?

7 / 14

Which tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML?

8 / 14

Which of the following is used to read an HTML page and render it?

9 / 14

Who is the father of HTML?

10 / 14

HTML tags are surrounded by ___ brackets.

11 / 14

Fundamental blocks in HTML is called as ___.

12 / 14

HTML is considered as ___.

13 / 14

We can write HTML code using ___.

14 / 14

Which is the first web browser?

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