Bring the digital world into 3D! In this blog, we’ll create a visually striking 3D computer using only HTML and CSS. From the sleek monitor and sturdy keyboard to intricate design details like vents and buttons, we’ll use CSS 3D transforms, box shadows, and gradients to give our computer depth and realism. This hands-on project will help you push your CSS skills to the next level while exploring the exciting world of 3D web design. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a front-end developer looking for inspiration, it’s time to turn your screen into a creative masterpiece. Let’s power up and get coding!
I would recommend you don’t just copy and paste the code, just look at the code and type by understanding it.
See the Pen Minitel – Type something by Ricardo Oliva Alonso (@ricardoolivaalonso) on CodePen.
Starter Template
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>Coding Torque</title> </head> <body> <!-- Further code here --> </body> </html>
Paste the below code in your <body>
doctype html html(lang="es", dir="ltr") head meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0") meta(charset="utf-8") link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="main.css") body#main a.button#button OPEN KEYBOARD div.main div.minitel#base div.minitel__b div.mt__front.face div.mta div.mta__front.face div.mta__back.face div.mta__right.face div.mta__left.face div.mta__top.face div.mta__bottom.face div.mt__back.face div.mt__right.face div.mt__left.face div.mt__top.face div.key-numbers div.key-column div.key-nb#9.key div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 9 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-nb#8.key div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 8 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-nb#7 div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 7 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-column div.key-nb#6 div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 6 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-nb#5 div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 5 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-nb#4 div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 4 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-column div.key-nb#3 div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 3 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-nb#2 div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 2 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-nb#1 div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face div.key-nb__right.face div.key-nb__left.face div.key-nb__top.face 1 div.key-nb__bottom.face div.key-column div.key-nb div.key-nb__front.face div.key-nb__back.face 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CSS Code
Create a file style.css and paste the code below.
$blue-1: #1CB5BE; $blue-2: #006E85; $blue-3: #175373; $beige-1: #FAF5EB; $beige-2: #F7EFE4; $beige-3: #A0A1A3; $beige-a: #e4ddd2; $brown-1: #B69992; $brown-2: #7F6C78; $brown-3: #574C65; /***********************/ /***********************/ @mixin cube($width, $height, $depth) { &__front{ @include cube-front($width, $height, $depth); } &__back{ @include cube-back($width, $height, $depth); } &__right{ @include cube-right($width, $height, $depth); } &__left{ @include cube-left($width, $height, $depth); } &__top{ @include cube-top($width, $height, $depth);} &__bottom{ @include cube-bottom($width, $height, $depth); } } /************************/ /* Mixin para crear cubo ( Caras siempre al frente ) */ /************************/ @mixin cube-front($width, $height, $depth) { width: $width; height: $height; transform-origin: bottom left; transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ( -($height - ($depth * 2) ) ); } @mixin cube-back($width, $height, $depth) { width: $width; height: $height; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateX(-90deg) rotateY(180deg) translateX(-$width) translateY(-$height) ; } @mixin cube-right($width, $height, $depth) { width: $depth * 2; height: $height; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateY(90deg) rotateZ(-90deg) translateZ($width) translateX(-$depth * 2) translateY(-$height); } @mixin cube-left($width, $height, $depth) { width: $depth * 2; height: $height; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateY(-90deg) rotateZ(90deg) translateY(-$height); } @mixin cube-top($width, $height, $depth) { width: $width; height: $depth * 2; transform-origin: top left; transform: translateZ($height) ; } @mixin cube-bottom($width, $height, $depth) { width: $width; height: $depth * 2; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateY(180deg) translateX(-$width); } /**/ *, *::after, *::before { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; } /* Generic */ body{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 100%; height: 100vh; background-color: $blue-1; overflow: hidden; min-height: 300px; min-width: 400px; font-family: monospace; color: white; font-size: .6vmax; } .face{ position: absolute; } /***************/ .main{ width: 30vmax; height: 30vmax; } .minitel{ position: relative; width: 26vmax; height: 30vmax; transform: perspective(10000px) rotateX(52deg) rotateZ(-46deg) scale(.8) translateZ(-10vmax) ; transition: transform .5s ease; background-color: $blue-3; box-shadow: -5vmax -5vmax 0 $blue-3, -5vmax 0vmax 0 $blue-3, 0vmax -5vmax 0 $blue-3 ; &__b{ width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: $blue-3; position: relative; transform: translateZ(-1px) ; } &::before, &::after{ content: ''; position: absolute; left: -30%; bottom: 5%; width: 40%; height: 115%; transform: translateZ(-1px) skewY(10deg); background-color: $blue-3; } &::after{ height: 60%; width: 40%; top: -30%; transform: skewY(10deg); border-top-left-radius: 10%; border-bottom-left-radius: 10%; } } /******************/ .button{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: absolute; left: 50%; bottom: 50px; width: 130px; height: 30px; z-index: 10000; transform: translateX(-50%) translateZ(10000px); font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; background-color: $blue-2; color: white; cursor: pointer; transition: hover .35s ease; @media (min-width: 830px){ left: calc(100% - 180px); transform:translateZ(10000px); } &:hover{ background-color: $blue-3; transition: .35s ease; } } .text{ word-break: break-all; } .cursor{ display: inline-block; width: .75vmax; margin-left: .25vmax; border-bottom: .2vmax solid white; animation: cursor 1s ease infinite; } .led{ position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 50%; height: .5vmax; width: .5vmax; transform: translateX(-50%); background-color: $brown-3; border-radius: 50%; transition: 2s ease; } .screen{ position: absolute; top: 2vmax; left: 2vmax; width: 22vmax; height: 14vmax; transform: translateZ(2vmax); overflow: hidden; padding: 3.2vmax 3vmax; font-size: 1vmax; text-transform: uppercase; color: rgba(white, .75); letter-spacing: .2vmax; background-color: $blue-2; box-shadow: inset .5vmax .5vmax .5vmax $blue-3, inset -.5vmax -.5vmax .5vmax $blue-3; &::before{ content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; width: 180%; height: 24%; transform: translateX(-50%); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $blue-3, rgba($blue-3, .3) ); border-bottom-left-radius: 50%; border-bottom-right-radius: 50%; } &::after{ content: ''; position: absolute; top: 26%; left: 12%; width: 25%; height: 65%; border-radius: .4vmax; background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(white, .045), transparent ); } &__shadow{ position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 10%; background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba($brown-3, .2) ,rgba($brown-2, .5), rgba($brown-2, .3) ); border-top-left-radius: 50%; border-top-right-radius: 50%; filter: blur(.3vmax); transition: 2s ease; } } /*********************/ .keys{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: flex-start; position: absolute; top: 7%; left: 5%; width: 90%; height: 86%; transform: translateZ(-.25vmax); transition: transform .1s ease; .key-column{ &:nth-of-type(1){ width: 75%; } &:nth-of-type(3){ margin-left: 1vmax; } &:nth-of-type(4){ margin-left: .5vmax; } } } $width-mt: 1.2vmax; $height-mt: .5vmax; $depth-mt: .4vmax; .key{ @include cube($width-mt, $height-mt, $depth-mt); width: $width-mt; height: $depth-mt; position: relative; bottom: 0; &-column{ display: flex; justify-content: space-between; position: relative; width: 70%; height: 1vmax; margin-top: .4vmax; } &-numbers{ position: absolute; bottom: 8%; right: 7%; height: 27%; width: 15%; transform: translateZ(-.25vmax); .key-column{ width: 100%; margin-top: 0vmax; align-items: flex-end; } } &__front{ background-color: darken($brown-2, 5); } &__back{ background-color: darken($brown-2, 5); } &__right{ background-color: darken($brown-1, 5); } &__left{ background-color: darken($brown-3, 5); } &__top{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: darken($brown-1, 5); } &__bottom{ background-color: darken($brown-3, 5); } } $width-mtsp: 1vmax; $height-mtsp: .5vmax; $depth-mtsp: .3vmax; .key-nb{ @include cube($width-mtsp, $height-mtsp, $depth-mtsp); width: $width-mtsp; height: $depth-mtsp; position: relative; bottom: 0; &__front{ background-color: lighten($brown-3, 10); } &__back{ background-color: darken($brown-2, 5); } &__right{ background-color: darken($brown-1, 5); } &__left{ background-color: darken($brown-3, 5); } &__top{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: lighten($brown-3, 25); color: white; font-size: .7vmax; } &__bottom{ background-color: darken($brown-3, 5); } } $width-mtsp: 5vmax; $height-mtsp: .5vmax; $depth-mtsp: .4vmax; .key-s{ @include cube($width-mtsp, $height-mtsp, $depth-mtsp); width: $width-mtsp; height: $depth-mtsp; position: relative; bottom: 0; &__front{ background-color: darken($brown-2, 5); } &__back{ background-color: darken($brown-2, 5); } &__right{ background-color: darken($brown-1, 5); } &__left{ background-color: darken($brown-3, 5); } &__top{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: darken($brown-1, 5); } &__bottom{ background-color: darken($brown-3, 5); } } $width-mtsp: 3vmax; $height-mtsp: .4vmax; $depth-mtsp: .3vmax; .key-b{ @include cube($width-mtsp, $height-mtsp, $depth-mtsp); width: $width-mtsp; height: $depth-mtsp; position: relative; bottom: 0; &__front{ background-color: lighten($beige-3, 10); &--g{ background-color: darken($blue-2, 5); } } &__back{ background-color: darken($beige-2, 5); &--g{ background-color: darken($blue-2, 5); } } &__right{ background-color: darken($beige-1, 5); &--g{ background-color: darken($blue-1, 5); } } &__left{ background-color: darken($beige-3, 5); &--g{ background-color: darken($blue-3, 5); } } &__top{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: lighten($beige-3, 25); color: $brown-3; font-size: .7vmax; &--g{ background-color: darken($blue-1, 5); color: white; } } &__bottom{ background-color: darken($beige-3, 5); &--g{ background-color: darken($blue-3, 5); } } } $width-mt: 24vmax; $height-mt: 1vmax; $depth-mt: 8vmax; .mt{ @include cube($width-mt, $height-mt, $depth-mt); width: $width-mt; height: $depth-mt; position: absolute; bottom: 9vmax; left: 1vmax; transform: translateZ(.5vmax); transition: bottom 2s; &__front{ width: $width-mt; height: $height-mt * 1.5; transform-origin: bottom left; transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ( -($height-mt - ($depth-mt * 1.95)) ) translateY(.25vmax); } &__back{ background-color: $brown-1; } &__right{ background-color: $brown-1; } &__left{ background-color: $brown-3; } &__top{ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $brown-3 50% , darken($brown-1, 5) 50%); } &__bottom{ background-color: $brown-3; } } .mt-is-open{ bottom: 0vmax; transition: bottom 2s; } $width-mta: 26vmax; $height-mta: .75vmax; $depth-mta: .75vmax; .mta{ @include cube($width-mta, $height-mta, $depth-mta); width: $width-mta; height: $depth-mta; position: absolute; left: -1vmax; &__front{ background-color: $brown-3; } &__back{ background-color: $brown-1; } &__right{ background-color: $brown-1; } &__left{ background-color: $brown-3; } &__top{ background-color: $brown-2; } &__bottom{ background-color: $brown-3; } } $width-mfb: 26vmax; $height-mfb: 2vmax; $depth-mfb: 2vmax; .mfb, .mft{ @include cube($width-mfb, $height-mfb, $depth-mfb); width: $width-mfb; height: $depth-mfb; position: absolute; bottom: 2vmax; transform: translateZ(2vmax); &__front{ display: flex; align-items: center; background-color: $brown-2; padding-left: 2vmax; > span{ padding: .075vmax .4vmax; letter-spacing: .1vmax; font-size: .7vmax; font-style: italic; color: $beige-2; line-height: 1; border: .1vmax solid $beige-2; } } &__back{ background-color: transparent; } &__right{ background-color: $brown-2; } &__left{ background-color: $brown-3; } &__top{ background-color: $brown-1; } &__bottom{ background-color: $brown-3; } } .mfb{ &__top{ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($brown-3, 2) 60%, $brown-1 65%); overflow: hidden; &::before{ content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 2vmax; width: 5%; height: 120%; transform: rotateZ(-20deg); background-color: lighten($brown-3, 2); } } } .mft{ transform: translateZ(18vmax); } $width-mfl: 2vmax; $height-mfl: 14vmax; $depth-mfl: 2vmax; .mfl, .mfr{ @include cube($width-mfl, $height-mfl, $depth-mfl); width: $width-mfl; height: $depth-mfl; position: absolute; bottom: 2vmax; transform: translateZ(4vmax); &__front{ background-color: $brown-2; } &__back{ background-color: transparent; } &__right{ background-color: $brown-2; } &__left{ background-color: $brown-3; } &__top{ background-color: transparent; } &__bottom{ background-color: transparent; } } .mfr{ right: 0; } $width-mb: 26vmax; $height-mb: 20vmax; $depth-mb: 3vmax; .mb{ @include cube($width-mb, $height-mb, $depth-mb); width: $width-mb; height: $depth-mb; position: absolute; bottom: 7vmax; &__front{ background-color: $beige-3; } &__back{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__right{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__left{ background-color: $beige-3; } &__top{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__bottom{ background-color: $beige-3; } } $width-ml: 7vmax; $height-ml: 20vmax; $depth-ml: 7vmax; .ml{ @include cube($width-ml, $height-ml, $depth-ml); width: $width-ml; height: $depth-ml; position: absolute; bottom: 17vmax; &__front{ background-color: transparent; } &__back{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__right{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__left{ background-color: $beige-3; } &__top{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__bottom{background-color: $beige-3; } } $width-mr: 7vmax; $height-mr: 20vmax; $depth-mr: 7vmax; .mr{ @include cube($width-mr, $height-mr, $depth-mr); width: $width-mr; height: $depth-mr; position: absolute; bottom: 17vmax; right: 0vmax; &__front{ background-color: transparent; } &__back{ background-color: $beige-2; } &__right{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__left{ background-color: $beige-a; } &__top{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__bottom{ background-color: $beige-3; } } $width-mc: 12vmax; $height-mc: 16vmax; $depth-mc: 10vmax; .mc{ @include cube($width-mc, $height-mc, $depth-mc); width: $width-mc; height: $depth-mc; position: absolute; bottom: 20vmax; left: 7vmax; &__front{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__back{ background-color: $beige-a; } &__right{ background-color: $beige-1; } &__left{ background-color: $beige-2; } &__top{ background-color: $beige-2; } &__bottom{ background-color: $beige-2; } } $width-ml: 7vmax; $height-ml: 20vmax; $depth-ml: 3vmax; .mbl, .mbl-2{ width: $width-ml; height: $depth-ml; position: absolute; top: 0; &__front{ width: $width-ml; height: $height-ml; transform-origin: bottom left; transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ( -($height-ml - ($depth-ml * 2) ) ); background-color: transparent; } &__back{ width: $width-ml; height: #{ $height-ml - 2.2vmax } ; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateX(-90deg) rotateY(180deg) translateX(-$width-ml) translateY(- #{ $height-ml - 1.2vmax }) ; background-color: $beige-a; } &__right-1{ width: $depth-ml * 2; height: #{$height-ml / 2 }; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateY(90deg) rotateZ(-90deg) translateZ($width-ml) translateX(-$depth-ml * 2) translateY(-#{$height-ml / 2 }); background-image: linear-gradient(-10deg, transparent 1vmax, $beige-1 1vmax); } &__right-2{ width: $depth-ml * 2; height: #{$height-ml / 2 }; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateY(90deg) rotateZ(-90deg) translateZ($width-ml) translateX(-$depth-ml * 2) translateY(-#{$height-ml}); background-image: linear-gradient(11deg, $beige-1 9.8vmax, transparent 9.8vmax ); } &__left-1{ width: $depth-ml * 2; height: #{$height-ml / 2 }; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateY(-90deg) rotateZ(90deg) translateY(-#{$height-ml / 2 }); background-image: linear-gradient(10deg, transparent 1vmax, $beige-3 1vmax ); } &__left-2{ width: $depth-ml * 2; height: #{$height-ml / 2 }; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotateY(-90deg) rotateZ(90deg) translateY(-#{$height-ml }); background-image: linear-gradient( -11deg, $beige-3 5vmax, darken($beige-3, 10) 5vmax, darken($beige-3, 10) 5.5vmax, $beige-3 5.5vmax, $beige-3 6.5vmax, darken($beige-3, 10) 6.5vmax, darken($beige-3, 10) 7vmax, $beige-3 7vmax, $beige-3 9.8vmax, transparent 9.8vmax ); } &__top{ width: $width-ml; height: #{$depth-ml * 2.05}; transform-origin: bottom left; transform: translateZ(#{$height-ml - .1vmax }) translateY(-.085vmax) rotateX(11deg); background-color: $beige-2; } &__bottom{ width: $width-ml; height: $depth-ml * 2; transform-origin: bottom left; transform: rotateY(180deg) translateX(-$width-ml) rotateX(10deg); background-color: $beige-3; } } .mbl-2{ right: 0; .mbl__left-1{ background-image: linear-gradient(10deg, transparent 1vmax, $beige-a 1vmax ); } .mbl__left-2{ background-image: linear-gradient(-11deg, $beige-a 9.8vmax, transparent 9.8vmax );} } /***********/ .is-led-on{ background-color: #e31b4e; transition: 2s ease; animation: cursor 2s infinite; } .is-key-pressed{ transform: translateZ(-.1vmax); transition: transform .1s ease; .key__top{ &::before{ content: ''; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba($blue-1, .5); } } } .is-shadow-big{ height: 30%; transition: 2s ease; } @keyframes cursor { 0%{opacity: .75} 100%{opacity: .25} }
Final Output

Written by: Piyush Patil
Code Credits:
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Hope you find this post helpful💖