CSS Quiz | Set – 2Piyush PatilApril 27, 2023Web Development, CSS Quiz, Quizzes Share your love 107 Created on April 25, 2023 By Piyush PatilCSS Quiz | Set - 2 1 / 21What does CSS stand for? Continuous Style Sheet Computerized Style System Creative Style Sheet Cascading Style Sheet 2 / 21Which CSS property is used to create rounded corners on an element? corner-style border-style corner-radius border-radius 3 / 21Which CSS property is used to specify the style of an element's border? border-style border-color border-width border-texture 4 / 21 Which of the following is not a valid CSS text-decoration value? strike overline line-through underline 5 / 21Which CSS property is used to create a transition effect when an element changes its state? transition-property transition-duration transition-timing-function all of the above 6 / 21 Which of the following is not a valid value for the display property? block inline inline-block none 7 / 21Which CSS property is used to specify the position of an element? left top position all of the above 8 / 21Which of the following is not a valid value for the overflow property? stretch scroll hidden visible 9 / 21Which CSS property is used to specify the order of flex items? order flex-order item-order flex-item-order 10 / 21Which CSS property is used to create a gradient background? background-gradient gradient-color background-image background-color 11 / 21Which of the following is not a valid CSS text-align value? center justify right vertical 12 / 21Which CSS property is used to add a border around an element? border border-style border-color all of the above 13 / 21Which of the following is not a valid CSS font-weight value? light normal bold bolder 14 / 21Which CSS property is used to align an element horizontally within its container? align-items justify-content align-content align-self 15 / 21Which of the following is not a valid value for the cursor property? pointer default move center 16 / 21Which CSS property is used to change the opacity of an element? opacity visibility filter all of the above 17 / 21Which CSS property is used to create a drop shadow effect? shadow box-shadow text-shadow all of the above 18 / 21Which of the following is not a valid CSS animation property? animation-name animation-duration animation-direction animation-position 19 / 21Which of the following is not a valid CSS transform value? rotate scale translate flip 20 / 21Which CSS property is used to set the opacity of an element's background color? background-opacity opacity color-opacity all of the above 21 / 21Which of the following is not a valid value for the transition-timing-function property? ease linear ease-in zoom-in-out Your score isThe average score is 57% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Share your love Previous Post Car illustration using HTML and CSS Next Post 20 CSS Loaders
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