Prepare to express yourself with our Feedback Emoji tutorial! In this guide, we’ll harness the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive feedback system that speaks volumes with just a click. Join us as we explore how to design and implement a range of expressive emojis, allowing users to convey their sentiments effortlessly. Let’s dive into the code and craft a feedback experience that’s both engaging and insightful. Let’s get started on this journey to amplify user feedback!
I would recommend you don’t just copy and paste the code, just look at the code and type by understanding it.

See the Pen Morphing Emoji Slider by Aaron Iker (@aaroniker) on CodePen.
Starter Template
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>Feedback Emoji using HTML CSS and JavaScript - Coding Torque</title> </head> <body> <!-- Further code here --> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>
Paste the below code in your <body>
<div class="emoji-slider"> <ul> <li>awful</li> <li>bad</li> <li>okay</li> <li>good</li> <li>great</li> </ul> <div class="smiley"> <svg class="eye left" viewBox="0 0 18 22"> <path d="M12.6744144,18.0128897 C17.3794842,15.6567898 19.3333811,9.83072065 17.0385652,5 C15.7595661,7.57089081 13.5517099,9.64170285 10.4149967,11.2124361 C7.27828344,12.7831694 3.80661788,13.5564215 0,13.5321925 C2.2948159,18.3629131 7.9693445,20.3689896 12.6744144,18.0128897 Z"></path> </svg> <svg class="eye right" viewBox="0 0 18 22"> <path d="M12.6744144,18.0128897 C17.3794842,15.6567898 19.3333811,9.83072065 17.0385652,5 C15.7595661,7.57089081 13.5517099,9.64170285 10.4149967,11.2124361 C7.27828344,12.7831694 3.80661788,13.5564215 0,13.5321925 C2.2948159,18.3629131 7.9693445,20.3689896 12.6744144,18.0128897 Z"></path> </svg> <svg class="mouth" viewBox="0 0 64 28"> <path d="M32,2 C41.5729357,2 58,10.8218206 58,21 C50.2396023,18.9643641 41.5729357,17.9465462 32,17.9465462 C22.4270643,17.9465462 13.7603977,18.9643641 6,21 C6,10.8218206 22.4270643,2 32,2 Z"></path> </svg> <svg class="teeth" viewBox="0 0 64 28"> <path d="M32,7.83261436 C41.5729357,7.83261436 52.5729357,7.05507624 63,1.5 C63,10.3056732 46.3594035,14.5 32,14.5 C17.6405965,14.5 1,10.3056732 1,1.5 C11.4270643,7.05507624 22.4270643,7.83261436 32,7.83261436 Z"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="slide"> <div></div> </div> <div class="bottom"> I'm feeling <ul> <li>awful</li> <li>bad</li> <li>okay</li> <li>good</li> <li>great</li> </ul> <button>Save</button> </div> </div> <svg style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"> <defs> <filter id="inset-shadow"> <feOffset dx='0' dy='3' /> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation='1' result='offset-blur' /> <feComposite operator='out' in='SourceGraphic' in2='offset-blur' result='inverse' /> <feFlood flood-color='black' flood-opacity='.5' result='color' /> <feComposite operator='in' in='color' in2='inverse' result='shadow' /> <feComposite operator='over' in='shadow' in2='SourceGraphic' /> </filter> </defs> </svg> <!-- dribbble - twitter --> <a class="dribbble" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a> <a class="twitter" target="_blank" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="72" height="72" viewBox="0 0 72 72"><path d="M67.812 16.141a26.246 26.246 0 0 1-7.519 2.06 13.134 13.134 0 0 0 5.756-7.244 26.127 26.127 0 0 1-8.313 3.176A13.075 13.075 0 0 0 48.182 10c-7.229 0-13.092 5.861-13.092 13.093 0 1.026.118 2.021.338 2.981-10.885-.548-20.528-5.757-26.987-13.679a13.048 13.048 0 0 0-1.771 6.581c0 4.542 2.312 8.551 5.824 10.898a13.048 13.048 0 0 1-5.93-1.638c-.002.055-.002.11-.002.162 0 6.345 4.513 11.638 10.504 12.84a13.177 13.177 0 0 1-3.449.457c-.846 0-1.667-.078-2.465-.231 1.667 5.2 6.499 8.986 12.23 9.09a26.276 26.276 0 0 1-16.26 5.606A26.21 26.21 0 0 1 4 55.976a37.036 37.036 0 0 0 20.067 5.882c24.083 0 37.251-19.949 37.251-37.249 0-.566-.014-1.134-.039-1.694a26.597 26.597 0 0 0 6.533-6.774z"></path></svg></a>
Create a file style.css and paste the code below.
.emoji-slider { // Awful colors --awful-gradient-start: #FD8D58; --awful-gradient-end: #DC611E; --awful-fill: #FB8043; --awful-radial: #FFCCB0; --awful-border: #{rgba(#DE5B1A, .5)}; --awful-shadow: #{rgba(#90420E, .5)}; --awful-mouth-fill: #A34106; --awful-mouth-shadow: #{rgba(#C45F28, .6)}; --awful-mouth-shine: #FEC6A7; --awful-color: #ffaa68; // Bad colors --bad-gradient-start: #FEA954; --bad-gradient-end: #DA7315; --bad-fill: #FCA730; --bad-radial: #FEE8C6; --bad-border: #{rgba(#E07B13, .5)}; --bad-shadow: #{rgba(#BC600C, .5)}; --bad-mouth-fill: #AB6C09; --bad-mouth-shadow: #{rgba(#945907, .4)}; --bad-mouth-shine: #FDE0B4; --bad-color: #fbba4a; // Okay colors --okay-gradient-start: #FEBE53; --okay-gradient-end: #DF820F; --okay-fill: #FBBB1F; --okay-radial: #FEF3BD; --okay-border: #{rgba(#E08F06, .5)}; --okay-shadow: #{rgba(#BE6D09, .5)}; --okay-mouth-fill: #AB7509; --okay-mouth-shadow: #{rgba(#926807, .4)}; --okay-mouth-shine: #FFEECE; --okay-color: #fbd24b; // Good colors --good-gradient-start: #FED151; --good-gradient-end: #DE981F; --good-fill: #FBD51F; --good-radial: #FEF3BD; --good-border: #{rgba(#D5A50E, .5)}; --good-shadow: #{rgba(#BB840F, .5)}; --good-mouth-fill: #AB7509; --good-mouth-shadow: #{rgba(#926807, .4)}; --good-mouth-shine: #FFEECE; --good-color: #fcd34a; // Great colors --great-gradient-start: #A1BD53; --great-gradient-end: #73AD5F; --great-fill: #F4EF51; --great-radial: #FDFDEC; --great-border: #{rgba(#A7BB2E, .5)}; --great-shadow: #{rgba(#888632, .5)}; --great-mouth-fill: #8A8313; --great-mouth-shadow: #{rgba(#5D5003, .25)}; --great-mouth-shine: #FDF8B4; --great-color: #d2f482; width: 320px; height: 288px; border-radius: 13px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; background-image: linear-gradient(var(--gradient-start, var(--awful-gradient-start)), var(--gradient-end, var(--awful-gradient-end))); ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } & > ul, .bottom ul { li { transform: translateY(var(--y, 0)); opacity: var(--o, 0); transition: opacity .2s; &:not(:first-child) { width: 100%; position: absolute; } @for $i from 2 through 5 { &:nth-child(#{$i}) { top: 100% * ($i - 1); } } } } &.awful { & > ul, .bottom ul { li:nth-child(1) { --o: 1; } } } &.bad { & > ul, .bottom ul { li:nth-child(2) { --o: 1; } } } &.okay { & > ul, .bottom ul { li:nth-child(3) { --o: 1; } } } &.good { & > ul, .bottom ul { li:nth-child(4) { --o: 1; } } } &.great { & > ul, .bottom ul { li:nth-child(5) { --o: 1; } } .smiley { svg { &.teeth { --teeth: 1; } } } } &.scale { .smiley { animation: scale .6s ease forwards; } } & > ul { top: 12px; left: 0; right: 0; font-size: 80px; font-weight: 900; opacity: .4; text-align: center; position: absolute; text-transform: uppercase; li { user-select: none; background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(#fff, .9), rgba(#fff, 0) 90%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } } .smiley { width: 120px; height: 120px; border-radius: 50%; z-index: 1; margin: 60px auto 0 auto; position: relative; background: radial-gradient(circle, var(--radial, var(--awful-radial)) 0%, var(--fill, var(--awful-fill)) 70%); background-size: 100% 180%; background-position: center bottom; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 4px var(--border, var(--awful-border)), inset 0 -10px 12px var(--shadow, var(--awful-shadow)); filter: drop-shadow(0 8px 16px rgba(#000, .16)); svg { display: block; position: absolute; backface-visibility: hidden; transform: translateZ(0); fill: var(--mouth-fill, var(--awful-mouth-fill)); &.eye { width: 18px; height: 22px; top: 34px; filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 2px var(--mouth-shine, var(--awful-mouth-shine))) url(#inset-shadow); &.left { left: 30px; } &.right { right: 30px; transform: scaleX(-1); } } &.mouth, &.teeth { width: 64px; height: 28px; left: 28px; bottom: 24px; } &.mouth { filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 2px var(--mouth-shine, var(--awful-mouth-shine))) drop-shadow(0 -1px 1px var(--mouth-shadow, var(--awful-mouth-shadow))) url(#inset-shadow); } &.teeth { fill: #fff; opacity: var(--teeth, 0); transition: opacity .2s; } } } .slide { left: 28px; right: 28px; bottom: 68px; height: 12px; position: absolute; div { width: 24px; height: 24px; border-radius: 50%; background: #fff; top: -6px; left: -12px; box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(#000, .2); position: relative; } &:before { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; left: -3px; width: 273px; height: 12px; background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg width="273px" height="12px" viewBox="0 0 273 12" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><path d="M266.934082,0.00110627889 C270.247182,-0.0357036686 272.96282,2.62025389 272.99963,5.93335351 C272.999877,5.95556942 273,5.97778653 273,6.00000382 C273,9.31330792 270.314036,11.9992716 267.000732,11.9992716 C266.978515,11.9992716 266.956298,11.9991482 266.934082,11.9989014 L2.96667078,9.06611103 C1.32291919,9.04784825 1.97412392e-14,7.71014921 0,6.06629617 L0,5.93371146 C9.7279267e-16,4.28985843 1.32291919,2.95215939 2.96667078,2.93389661 L266.934082,0.00110627889 Z M267,1.45028446 C264.514719,1.45028446 262.5,3.4872632 262.5,6.00000382 C262.5,8.51274443 264.514719,10.5497232 267,10.5497232 C269.485281,10.5497232 271.5,8.51274443 271.5,6.00000382 C271.5,3.4872632 269.485281,1.45028446 267,1.45028446 Z M210,1.95580884 C207.790861,1.95580884 206,3.7664566 206,6.00000382 C206,8.23355103 207.790861,10.0441988 210,10.0441988 C212.209139,10.0441988 214,8.23355103 214,6.00000382 C214,3.7664566 212.209139,1.95580884 210,1.95580884 Z M137,2.46133321 C135.067003,2.46133321 133.5,4.04565001 133.5,6.00000382 C133.5,7.95435763 135.067003,9.53867443 137,9.53867443 C138.932997,9.53867443 140.5,7.95435763 140.5,6.00000382 C140.5,4.04565001 138.932997,2.46133321 137,2.46133321 Z M64,2.96685758 C62.3431458,2.96685758 61,4.32484341 61,6.00000382 C61,7.67516423 62.3431458,9.03315005 64,9.03315005 C65.6568542,9.03315005 67,7.67516423 67,6.00000382 C67,4.32484341 65.6568542,2.96685758 64,2.96685758 Z M3,3.97790633 C1.8954305,3.97790633 1,4.88323021 1,6.00000382 C1,7.11677742 1.8954305,8.02210131 3,8.02210131 C4.1045695,8.02210131 5,7.11677742 5,6.00000382 C5,4.88323021 4.1045695,3.97790633 3,3.97790633 Z" fill="white" fill-opacity=".25"></path></svg>'); } } .bottom { left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23px; color: rgba(#fff, .8); padding: 8px 16px; border-radius: 0 0 13px 13px; background: rgba(#000, .1); position: absolute; ul { font-weight: 900; vertical-align: top; position: relative; display: inline-block; color: var(--color, var(--awful-color)); } button { -webkit-appearance: none; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0 12px; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; border-radius: 13px; position: absolute; cursor: pointer; outline: none; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; right: 16px; top: 7px; background: var(--gradient-end, var(--awful-gradient-end)); } } } @keyframes scale { 50% { transform: scale(1.08) translateZ(0); filter: drop-shadow(0 8px 24px rgba(#000, .12)); } } html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; &:before, &:after { box-sizing: inherit; } } // Center & dribbble body { min-height: 100vh; display: flex; font-family: 'Inter UI', Arial; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background: #F6F8FF; .dribbble { position: fixed; display: block; right: 20px; bottom: 20px; img { display: block; height: 28px; } } .twitter { position: fixed; display: block; right: 64px; bottom: 14px; svg { width: 32px; height: 32px; fill: #1da1f2; } } }
JavaScript Code
Create a file script.js and paste the code below.
const $ = (s, o = document) => o.querySelector(s); const $$ = (s, o = document) => o.querySelectorAll(s); let emoji = $('.emoji-slider'), button = $('button', emoji), slider = $('.slide', emoji), drag = $('div', slider), smiley = $('.smiley', emoji), points = { 0: { name: 'awful', mouth: 'M32,2 C41.5729357,2 58,10.8218206 58,21 C50.2396023,18.9643641 41.5729357,17.9465462 32,17.9465462 C22.4270643,17.9465462 13.7603977,18.9643641 6,21 C6,10.8218206 22.4270643,2 32,2 Z', eye: 'M12.6744144,18.0128897 C17.3794842,15.6567898 19.3333811,9.83072065 17.0385652,5 C15.7595661,7.57089081 13.5517099,9.64170285 10.4149967,11.2124361 C7.27828344,12.7831694 3.80661788,13.5564215 0,13.5321925 C2.2948159,18.3629131 7.9693445,20.3689896 12.6744144,18.0128897 Z' }, 61: { name: 'bad', mouth: 'M32,6 C41.5729357,6 62,10.80044 62,23 C52.2396023,17.5602347 42.2396023,14.840352 32,14.840352 C21.7603977,14.840352 11.7603977,17.5602347 2,23 C2,10.80044 22.4270643,6 32,6 Z', eye: 'M9,19 C14.418278,19 17,15.418278 17,11 C17,6.581722 14.418278,3 9,3 C3.581722,3 1,6.581722 1,11 C1,15.418278 3.581722,19 9,19 Z' }, 134: { name: 'okay', mouth: 'M32,11.3326144 C41.5729357,11.3326144 51.5729357,9.55507624 62,4 C62,12.8056732 46.3594035,23 32,23 C17.6405965,23 2,12.8056732 2,4 C12.4270643,9.55507624 22.4270643,11.3326144 32,11.3326144 Z', eye: 'M9,19 C14.418278,19 17,15.418278 17,11 C17,6.581722 14.418278,3 9,3 C3.581722,3 1,6.581722 1,11 C1,15.418278 3.581722,19 9,19 Z' }, 207: { name: 'good', mouth: 'M32,6.33261436 C41.5729357,6.33261436 51.5729357,5.55507624 62,0 C62,8.80567319 46.3594035,25 32,25 C17.6405965,25 2,8.80567319 2,0 C12.4270643,5.55507624 22.4270643,6.33261436 32,6.33261436 Z', eye: 'M9,21 C13.418278,21 17,16.418278 17,11 C17,5.581722 13.418278,1 9,1 C4.581722,1 1,5.581722 1,11 C1,16.418278 4.581722,21 9,21 Z' }, 264: { name: 'great', mouth: 'M32,6.33261436 C41.5729357,6.33261436 53.5729357,5.55507624 64,0 C64,8.80567319 51.3594035,27 32,27 C12.6405965,27 0,8.80567319 0,0 C10.4270643,5.55507624 22.4270643,6.33261436 32,6.33261436 Z', eye: 'M9,22 C13.418278,22 17,16.418278 17,11 C17,5.581722 13.418278,0 9,0 C4.581722,0 1,5.581722 1,11 C1,16.418278 4.581722,22 9,22 Z' } }; gsap.registerPlugin(MorphSVGPlugin); gsap.registerPlugin(InertiaPlugin); function setEmoji(value, duration = .4) { let index = value == 0 ? value : Object.keys(points).indexOf(value), name = points[value].name, computed = getComputedStyle(emoji); emoji.classList.remove('awful', 'bad', 'okay', 'good', 'great'); emoji.classList.add(name, 'scale');, { '--y': index * -100 + '%', '--gradient-start': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-gradient-start'), '--gradient-end': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-gradient-end'), '--fill': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-fill'), '--radial': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-radial'), '--border': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-border'), '--shadow': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-shadow'), '--mouth-fill': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-mouth-fill'), '--mouth-shadow': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-mouth-shadow'), '--mouth-shine': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-mouth-shine'), '--color': computed.getPropertyValue('--' + name + '-color'), duration: duration });$$('.eye path', smiley), { morphSVG: points[value].eye, duration: .4 });$('.mouth path', smiley), { morphSVG: points[value].mouth, duration: .4 }); setTimeout(() => emoji.classList.remove('scale'), 600); return value; } Draggable.create(drag, { type: 'x', bounds: { left: -drag.offsetWidth / 2, width: slider.offsetWidth + drag.offsetWidth }, inertia: true, snap(value) { return setEmoji(Object.keys(points).reduce((p, c) => { return (Math.abs(c - value) < Math.abs(p - value) ? c : p); })); } }); button.addEventListener('click', e => { let x = Draggable.get(drag).x, value = Object.keys(points).reduce((p, c) => { return (Math.abs(c - x) < Math.abs(p - x) ? c : p); }); alert('Selected: ' + points[value].name); }); setEmoji(0, 0);
Final Output
Written by: Piyush Patil
Code Credits:
If you found any mistakes or have any doubts please feel free to Contact Us
Hope you find this post helpful💖