HTML MCQ Quiz | Set – 03

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Created on By
Piyush Patil

HTML Quiz | Set - 03

1 / 20

Which attribute is used to specify the media type of an external script in HTML?

2 / 20

Which attribute is used to specify the height of an image in HTML?

3 / 20

Which attribute is used to specify the language of an HTML document?

4 / 20

Which attribute is used to specify an alternate source for an image in HTML?

5 / 20

Which tag is used to define an unordered list in HTML?

6 / 20

Which attribute is used to define the target for a hyperlink in HTML?

7 / 20

Which attribute is used to specify the character encoding of an HTML document?

8 / 20

Which tag is used to define an embedded audio file in HTML?

9 / 20

Which attribute is used to set the height of a text area in HTML?

10 / 20

Which tag is used to create a text area in HTML?

11 / 20

Which tag is used to create a table in HTML?

12 / 20

Which attribute is used to set the background color of an HTML element?

13 / 20

Which tag is used to create a hyperlink in HTML?

14 / 20

Which tag is used to create a heading in HTML?

15 / 20

Which attribute is used to specify the source of an image in HTML?

16 / 20

Which is used to create Web Pages?

17 / 20

HTML tags are used to describe document ___.

18 / 20

Which attribute is used to set the width of a table in HTML?

19 / 20

Which tag is used to create an unordered list in HTML?

20 / 20

HTML is considered as ___.

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