Step into the realm of captivating web animations with our latest tutorial! Today, we’ll explore the art of combining text and line drawing animations using Anime.js. Join us as we blend HTML, CSS, and the dynamic capabilities of Anime.js to create a mesmerizing effect that brings your text to life through elegant line drawings. Get ready to elevate your web design skills as we delve into the intricacies of crafting visually stunning animations. Let’s embark on this creative journey together and breathe magic into your text!
I would recommend you don’t just copy and paste the code, just look at the code and type by understanding it.
See the Pen Getting Familiar with Anime.js [Line Drawing] by Dusko Stamenic (@DuskoStamenic) on CodePen.
Starter Template
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>Text with Line Drawing Animation using Anime.js - Coding Torque</title> </head> <body> <!-- Further code here --> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>
Paste the below code in your <body>
<div id="lineDrawing"> <svg viewBox="0 0 792 512"> <g class="lines"> <path class="my-path" d="M296.7,240.8l-11.4,92.1h-20.7l4.9-39.2h-33.2l-4.9,39.2h-20.7l11.4-92.1h20.7l-4.8,38.9h33.2l4.8-38.9H296.7z"/> <path class="my-path" d="M332.2,256.6l-2.7,22.2h26l-2,15.3h-25.9l-2.8,22.8h34.3l-2,15.9h-55l11.4-92.1h54.8l-2,15.9H332.2z"/> <path class="my-path" d="M423.3,316.4l-2,16.4h-51.6l11.4-92.1h20.6l-9.4,75.6H423.3z"/> <path class="my-path" d="M485.2,316.4l-2,16.4h-51.6l11.4-92.1h20.6l-9.4,75.6H485.2z"/> <path class="my-path" d="M580.2,280.9c0,19.5-10,38.7-27.8,47.6c-16.6,8.3-38.7,7.5-51.7-6.9c-13-14.5-12.6-37.5-4.3-54.2 c8.7-17.5,26.9-28.2,46.4-27.6c10.2,0.3,20.1,4.3,27,11.9C577,259.6,580.2,270.3,580.2,280.9z M559.1,281.4c0-11.3-5-23.5-17.6-25 c-11.6-1.4-21.5,5.5-26.1,15.9c-4.5,10.2-5.8,24.5-0.8,34.7c5.3,10.6,18.5,13.1,28.6,7.9C555.3,308.6,559.1,293.9,559.1,281.4z"/> </g> </svg> </div>
CSS Code
Create a file style.css and paste the code below.
body { background: #050505; } .my-path { fill:none; stroke:#cfc33a; stroke-width:4; }
JavaScript Code
Create a file script.js and paste the code below.
var lineDrawing = anime({ targets: '#lineDrawing .lines path', strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, 0], easing: 'easeInOutSine', duration: 3000, delay: function(el, i) { return i * 250 }, direction: 'alternate', loop: true });
Final Output

Written by: Piyush Patil
Code Credits:
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Hope you find this post helpful💖